Editorial address:
Wysoka Głogowska 16
36-061 Wysoka Głogowska
Editor-in-chief: Robert Kuczma
Deputy editor-in-chief: Mykhailo Ilnytskyi
tel. +48 607 333 199
e-mail: redakcja@prestigemagazine.com.pl
The editorial team consists of a team of journalists and publicists. Their task is to present the reader with a panorama of figures in the public interest. The articles published in the magazine are based on documented sources.
The editorial office cooperates with outstanding specialists in the field of international relations, political science, economics and cultural studies.
The authors of the articles enjoy the privilege of expressing their own, independent and responsible opinions on the topics they are currently dealing with.
The editorial office also cooperates with text authors – not necessarily coming from the professional elite of writers – who, due to their knowledge, have a critical attitude to the issues and events discussed in the magazine.